Sassello: Chiara’s hometown
Between the sea and the mountains, Sassello is nestled between the mountains that separate Liguria from Piedmont. Summer holiday destination, renowned for its characteristic macaroons and exquisite porcini mushrooms, today Sassello is known all over the world mostly because Chiara Badano was born right here.
To visit Chiara's tomb
Every day from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm.
She truly loved this town – “my little Switzerland”, she would often say when it snowed – because Sassello was her homeland and the Sassellians were her people.
The Foundation, in agreement with the Bishop, the pastor and with the town’s institutions, is responsible for organizing a witness for individuals and groups on behalf of those who have known Chiara directly. It is also committed to maintaining contacts with Sassello’s Parish and Town Hall.
To make a reservation, you must complete the appropriate form: only in this way can the witness be guaranteed (duration: approximately 45 minutes/1 hour).
Per chi arriva in auto dal NORD Italia:
Per chi arriva in auto dal SUD Italia:
Per raggiungere Sassello in autobus:
Per chi arriva in auto dal NORD Italia:
Uscita casello Alessandria SUD poi Acqui Terme – Sassello
Per chi arriva in auto dal SUD Italia:
Uscita casello Albisola – Sassello
Per raggiungere Sassello in autobus:
Dalla stazione ferroviaria di Savona FF.SS. – Linea TPL 18 (durata stimata 1 ora e 18)

1. Chiara Luce Badano’s house
2. Holy Trinity Parish
3. Bar Gina
4. Cemetery and Chiara Luce Badano’s gravesite
5. Church and Saint Rocco square
6. Immaculate Conception church
7. Toward St. John’s church
8. Kindergarten
9. Elementary and Middle School (Gym)