In Evidence
Visiting Chiara’s bedroom
It is important to remember that Blessed Chiara’s bedroom is not a museum, but it is still part of Chiara’s mother’s private home. For now, the provisions on distancing and safety do not allow for visitation. If health guidance allows it, the house will be open to those who wish to visit it on the occasion of the Liturgical Feast, on October 29th of each year, and not on any other occasion.

Collecting of Presumed Graces and Miracles
With the appointment of the new Postulator, Father Gianni Califano, the provision to collect the alleged miracles and graces that occurred through the intercession of Blessed Chiara is to complete the appropriate form, specifying in detail one’s testimony and collecting any type of documentation that may facilitate its study by the Postulation. The collection of the testimony by the Foundation guarantees the confidentiality of the material collected as indicated in the

No relics in Blessed Chiara Badano’s name
First of all, we wish to highlight that the Church considers “relics” only and exclusively parts of the body (or sacred objects that have come into direct contact with it); in any case, it prohibits any form of marketing. Any other material cannot in any case be an object of devotion. Having said that, we would like to add that every story of holiness is unique and unrepeatable, and as such it is always characterized by its own style distinguished by its own specific way of expressing itself. Anyone who has known Chiara knows how far her way of being was from devotional forms of this type, especially regarding her person. Therefore, there are no relics of Blessed Chiara Badano (of any class), nor will they exist in the future. In this sense, those who want to be really close to her should know that in our opinion no object is necessary to deepen their relationship with her: with the exception of prayer, the intimate language of the heart, and above all, sharing the same ideals of life. The same ethical principle prompted parents to make a firm decision not to allow forms of marketing that use Chiara’s name or image for profit. Similarly, the family members recommend, during visits to the family chapel where Chiara rests out of her own will, to respect its decor without depositing objects, even small ones, rather devolving the equivalent in works of good of any kind. A box for small notes is placed on the external door, where you can leave your own thoughts.

Request for publication of Chiara’s photos and biography
If you need material concerning Blessed Chiara Badano, on this site you can download the image with Chiara’s prayer and the brochure for personal use. For the publication of Chiara’s photos it is essential to send the request to the Foundation’s email while awaiting verification of the editorial context (including social media) for the necessary authorization, which will arrive in writing and must be kept. For other requests, one may contact the Foundation directly via email. If deemed useful, it is also possible to contact the Foundation’s trusted graphic designer ( to create flyers or other graphic works endorsed by the Foundation’s registered trademark.
To deepen Chiara’s life, the official source is the volume published by the Foundation, Nel mio stare il vostro andare. Vita e Pensieri di Chiara Luce Badano, San Paolo Edizioni, Città Nuova, 2019; also published in English (In my staying is your going. Life and thoughts of Chiara Luce Badano, New City Press) and Spanish.

Foundation Chiara Badano Projects
For a memory of life, the Foundation is creating a Digital Archive of Chiara’s writings and photographs. In addition, it is working on the creation of a permanent exhibit on Chiara Badano to be created in Sassello, which will become one of the privileged opportunities to introduce Chiara to anyone who wishes. Once inaugurated, the contents and organization of this exhibit can be requested to be reproduced in reduced form in other areas and abroad.