Life, Love, Light






Chiara Luce ogni giorno a mezzogiorno si fermava per un minuto di raccoglimento per chiedere la pace: e nello stesso istante altri nel mondo, ciascuno là dove si trovava, svolgendo il proprio compito, faceva altrettanto. Avevamo aderito all’invito fattoci da Chiara Lubich (fondatrice del Movimento dei Focolari) di intensificare le nostre forze verso questo obiettivo comune: la pace in ognuno di noi, nelle nostre famiglie e comunità ma specialmente nei luoghi di guerra (allora c’era la Guerra del Golfo, che aveva fatto nascere questa idea). Un invito rivolto a tutti e tutte senza distinzione di religione, credo, convinzione…

Per Chiara Luce era un momento quotidiano irrinunciabile fino all’ultimo giorno.

E in questi giorni con lei vogliamo rinnovare quel momento. In tutti i luoghi nel mondo tormentati da conflitti, il time out ci spinge a provare a chiedere – connessi in rete tra noi e con Chiara Luce – la realizzazione di un sogno: LA PACE


Diffondi il più possibile l’iniziativa. Più saremo e più avremo forza. Più avremo forza e prima la pace verrà.


The Time Out project originated from the desire of many to do something concrete for peace, every day. Time out is a term borrowed from sporting competitions and means to stop time.

In the 1990s, just before the Gulf War broke out, people from all over the world of all ages, races, creeds, political and ideological orientations would stop – at 12 PM every day – for a minute of silence for peace.

Today the outbreaks of war on the planet, particularly in Europe, have led some of us, united by the same urgency, to forcefully re-propose the Time Out to the whole world. We therefore propose to stop time at school, at work, in the gym, at home, wherever we are at 12 PM in each time zone for a minute of recollection, prayer or silence, for peace.

We have created an informative reel for the launch of the proposal and a dedicated Instagram page, where all those who wish to can leave a sign of their participation.

For the Time Out to bear fruits of peace, we are personally committed to putting into practice every day that ethic of reciprocity, according to which the rights of every individual are a duty for the other. It is the “golden rule” that unites all religions and moral codes of humanity:

«All men endowed with reason and conscience must assume responsibility, in a spirit of solidarity, towards each and all: that is, families, communities, races, nations and religions. What you don’t want done to you, don’t do it to anyone else. » (Universal Declaration of Human Duties, art. 4). No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

«Don’t hurt others in ways in which you yourself would be hurt». (Buddhism, Udana-Varga 5,18).

«Love your neighbour as yourself». (Jewish Law in Leviticus, 19,18; cfr 19,34 also).

«Treat the inferior as you would like to be treated by your superior». (Seneca, Letters to Lucil, letter 47, on the humane treatment of slaves).

«The greatest good is to operate according to the law of one’s own reason. But this law incessantly commands you to do the good of others, as the greatest good for yourself». (Marcus Aurelius, quoted in Tolstoy, Thoughts for every day, p. 79).

«None of you is a believer till he wishes for his brother what he likes for himself». (Islam, from the hadith (sayings) of the Prophet Muhammad.)

«Put yourself in the place of others». (Voltaire, English Letters, No. 42).

« Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets”. (Jesus of Nazareth, Gospel according to Matthew 7,12; 22, 39 and Gospel according to Luke 6,31)». 

To launch our project on a planetary level, we are counting on the support of people who – like us – believe that peace is possible and can become time-out promoters.

It’s simple. Take a photo with the hashtag #TimeOutforPeace On February 24, 2023, a year after the beginning of one of the many wars that are afflicting the world, post it on Instagram and tag us (@timeoutforpeace) Spread the initiative as much as possible. The more we are, the stronger we are. The more strength we have the sooner peace will come.

Time Out is an idea started in the 90s by Chiara Lubich, foundress of the Focolare Movement.



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